
Talent Recruitment

Recruitment Information
  • Job Title
  • Affiliation
  • Number
  • Address
  • Education
  • 质检员
  • 机电产品中心品质组
  • 1
  • 深圳
  • 高中及以上
3、生产现场产品组装物料检查 、关键工位的组装检查是否符合要求,产品测试工位抽查测试并做好记录。


1、硬性要求能看懂结构图纸,做过机加件检验一年以上,会简单使用电脑,能简单使用卡尺万用表、千分尺 、内千分尺、 高度仪等,会操作三坐标;
If you would like to apply for this position, please send your CV to your email: hr@tc-tech.net
Company benefits
  • Development treatment

    The company is committed to providing employees with good job opportunities and career development space, developing a comprehensive career promotion system, and growing together with you through training programs, professional certification, and other means.
  • Staff dormitories

    The company provides comfortable and spacious employee dormitories for eligible employees, with complete facilities that are safe, hygienic, and convenient, allowing you to enjoy the warmth of home while working.
  • Welfare Fund

    The company provides dining benefits, birthday gifts for employees and their families, holiday benefits, wedding and newborn gifts or gifts, allowing you to feel the humanistic care from the company.